Myōbu (MYOBU) is a cryptocurrency asset powered by the blockchain technology and developed by Tokyo-based startup Myōbu Techno. It was created to simplify transactions and make financial transactions more secure.
Myōbu is a decentralized, distributed digital currency that works on open-source, peer-to-peer technology. Transactions are known to be fast and secure, with no single point of failure, and no additional licensing fees required. It can be used to store, transfer, and purchase goods and services within the Myōbu network.
Myōbu is based on Ethereum technology and is the first of its kind to be backed by a patent-pending artificial intelligence platform that provides a smarter way to verify digital wallet transactions at the point-of-sale. Powered by the Ethereum blockchain, Myōbu provides an all-in-one global currency that is available for financial transactions through conventional systems in various countries, as well as, for peer-to-peer cash payments and money transfers.
Myōbu is currently available on multiple cryptocurrency exchanges, including Binance and Liquid. The price of Myōbu is around $0.25 USD per token.